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CNC Milling Machines for CAM

Home Built?




Alternatives: A very inexpensive design for a computer controlled milling table. Not X-Y but has the same effect. A rotating base with an offset rotating table.

Main Arc Rotation= theta = 2*arcsin(sqrt(x^2+y^2)/2/R)
Table Rotation= phi =arctan2(y,x)+(theta+pi)/2
where R is the radius of the Main Arc

The second solution is found by changing the sign on theta, and the sign on the pi in the second formula. (In practice that sign may need changing anyway - it depends which direction is considered "positive" for the relevant rotations...)

When x==y==0 the second formula breaks down completely - you can spin the table to any angle you like, it just isn`t going to make anydifference.

As for how you generate a set of stepped angles for the machine, I think it works as follows...

As an algorithm you get:

  DrawBezier(Bezier B)
 If abs(theta1-theta2)>1 or abs(phi1-phi2)>1 then
  if abs(currenttheta-theta1)>1 or abs(currentphi-phi1)>1
   lift the drill
  move drill to (theta1,phi1)
  drop the drill if lifted
  move drill to (theta2,phi2)

It`s important that the point called B.start is part of BLeft (and consequently that B.end is part of BRight) "Flutterwumpers are low cost machines that spit or chomp. Such as printed circuit drills, sign routers, animation stands, CAD/CAM mills, plotters, Santa Claus machines, etc. A new approach to designing these machines involves both the PIC microprocessor and the PostScript computer language. This library shelf holds tutorials, resources, and application notes you can use to build yourself a flutterwumper. Such as a $100 printed circuit drill or a $200 Santa Claus machine.


See also:

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