// ****************************************************************************** // VARIAN ASYNC32 COMPONENT // (c) VARIAN SOFTWARE SERVICES NL 1996-1998 // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED //****************************************************************************** unit CommInt; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, CommObjs; const DefaultDeviceName = 'Com2'; type ECommError = class(Exception) ErrorCode: Integer; end; TCommEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Status: dword) of object; TCommEventType = (evBreak, evCts, evDsr, evError, evRing, evRlsd, evRxChar, evRxFlag, evTxEmpty); TCommEventTypes = set of TCommEventType; TCommEventThread = class(TThread) private FCommHandle: THandle; FEvent: TSimpleEvent; FEventMask: dWord; FOnSignal: TCommEvent; protected procedure Execute; override; procedure Terminate; procedure DoOnSignal; public constructor Create(Handle: THandle; Events: TCommEventTypes); destructor Destroy; override; property OnSignal: TCommEvent read FOnSignal write FOnSignal; end; TCustomComm = class; TCommEventChars = class(TPersistent) private FOwner: TCustomComm; FXonChar: Char; FXoffChar: Char; FErrorChar: Char; FEofChar: Char; FEvtChar: Char; procedure SetEventChar(Index: Integer; Value: Char); public constructor Create(Owner: TCustomComm); procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; published property XonChar: Char index 1 read FXOnChar write SetEventChar default #17; property XoffChar: Char index 2 read FXOffChar write SetEventChar default #19; property ErrorChar: Char index 3 read FErrorChar write SetEventChar default #0; property EofChar: Char index 4 read FEofChar write SetEventChar default #0; property EvtChar: Char index 5 read FEvtChar write SetEventChar default #0; end; TBaudrate =(br110, br300, br600, br1200, br2400, br4800, br9600, br14400, br19200, br38400, br56000, br57600, br115200, br128000, br256000); TParity = (paNone, paOdd, paEven, paMark, paSpace); TStopbits = (sb10, sb15, sb20); TDatabits=(da4, da5, da6, da7, da8); TFlowControl = (fcNone, fcCTS, fcDTR, fcSoftware, fcDefault); TCommOption = (coParityCheck, coDsrSensitivity, coIgnoreXOff, coErrorChar, coNullStrip); TCommOptions = set of TCommOption; TCommRxCharEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Count: Integer) of object; TCommErrorEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Errors: Integer) of object; TCustomComm = class(TComponent) private FHandle: THandle; FDCB: TDCB; FDeviceName: string; FEvent: TSimpleEvent; FCriticalSection: TCriticalSection; FReadTimeout: Integer; FWriteTimeout: Integer; FReadBufSize: Integer; FWriteBufSize: Integer; FMonitorEvents: TCommEventTypes; FBaudRate: TBaudRate; FParity: TParity; FStopbits: TStopbits; FDatabits: TDatabits; FEventThread: TCommEventThread; FEventChars: TCommEventChars; FOptions: TCommOptions; FFlowControl: TFlowControl; FOnBreak: TNotifyEvent; FOnCts: TNotifyEvent; FOnDsr: TNotifyEvent; FOnError: TCommErrorEvent; FOnRing: TNotifyEvent; FOnRlsd: TNotifyEvent; FOnRxChar: TCommRxCharEvent; FOnRxFlag: TNotifyEvent; FOnTxEmpty: TNotifyEvent; procedure SetDeviceName(const Value: string); procedure SetMonitorEvents(Value: TCommEventTypes); procedure SetReadBufSize(Value: Integer); procedure SetWriteBufSize(Value: Integer); procedure SetBaudRate(Value: TBaudRate); procedure SetParity(Value: TParity); procedure SetStopbits(Value: TStopBits); procedure SetDatabits(Value: TDatabits); procedure SetOptions(Value: TCommOptions); procedure SetFlowControl(Value: TFlowControl); function GetModemState(Index: Integer): Boolean; function GetComState(Index: Integer): Boolean; procedure Lock; procedure Unlock; procedure CheckOpen; procedure EscapeComm(Flag: Integer); procedure InitHandshaking(var DCB: TDCB); procedure UpdateCommTimeouts; protected procedure CreateHandle; virtual; procedure DestroyHandle; procedure HandleCommEvent(Sender: TObject; Status: dword); procedure UpdateDataControlBlock; property DeviceName: string read FDeviceName write SetDeviceName; property ReadTimeout: Integer read FReadTimeout write FReadTimeout default 1000; property WriteTimeout: Integer read FWriteTimeout write FWriteTimeout default 1000; property ReadBufSize: Integer read FReadBufSize write SetReadBufSize default 4096; property WriteBufSize: Integer read FWriteBufSize write SetWriteBufSize default 2048; property MonitorEvents: TCommEventTypes read FMonitorEvents write SetMonitorEvents; property BaudRate: TBaudRate read FBaudRate write SetBaudRate default br9600; property Parity: TParity read FParity write SetParity default paNone; property Stopbits: TStopbits read FStopbits write SetStopbits default sb10; property Databits: TDatabits read FDatabits write SetDatabits default da8; property EventChars: TCommEventChars read FEventChars; property Options: TCommOptions read FOptions write SetOptions; property FlowControl: TFlowControl read FFlowControl write SetFlowControl default fcDefault; property OnBreak: TNotifyEvent read FOnBreak write FOnBreak; property OnCts: TNotifyEvent read FOnCts write FOnCts; property OnDsr: TNotifyEvent read FOnDsr write FOnDsr; property OnRing: TNotifyEvent read FOnRing write FOnRing; property OnRlsd: TNotifyEvent read FOnRlsd write FOnRlsd; property OnError: TCommErrorEvent read FOnError write FOnError; property OnRxChar: TCommRxCharEvent read FOnRxChar write FOnRxChar; property OnRxFlag: TNotifyEvent read FOnRxFlag write FOnRxFlag; property OnTxEmpty: TNotifyEvent read FOnTxEmpty write FOnTxEmpty; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Open; procedure Close; function Enabled: Boolean; function Write(var Buf; Count: Integer): Integer; function Read(var Buf; Count: Integer): Integer; function InQueCount: Integer; function OutQueCount: Integer; procedure PurgeIn; procedure PurgeOut; {Comm escape functions} procedure SetDTRState(State: Boolean); procedure SetRTSState(State: Boolean); procedure SetBREAKState(State: Boolean); procedure SetXONState(State: Boolean); {Comm status flags} property CTS: Boolean index 1 read GetModemState; property DSR: Boolean index 2 read GetModemState; property RING: Boolean index 3 read GetModemState; property RLSD: Boolean index 4 read GetModemState; property CtsHold: Boolean index 1 read GetComState; property DsrHold: Boolean index 2 read GetComState; property RlsdHold: Boolean index 3 read GetComState; property XoffHold: Boolean index 4 read GetComState; property XOffSent: Boolean index 5 read GetComState; property Handle: THandle read FHandle; end; TComm = class(TCustomComm) published property DeviceName; property ReadTimeout; property WriteTimeout; property ReadBufSize; property WriteBufSize; property MonitorEvents; property BaudRate; property Parity; property Stopbits; property Databits; property EventChars; property Options; property FlowControl; property OnBreak; property OnCts; property OnDsr; property OnRing; property OnRlsd; property OnError; property OnRxChar; property OnRxFlag; property OnTxEmpty; end; procedure Register; implementation const sOpenError = 'Error accessing specified device'; sInvalidHandle = 'Invalid device handle, access denied'; sPortAlreadyOpen = 'Port already assigned (open)'; sPortNotOpen = 'Port not open, unable to complete operation'; sSetupCommErr = 'Error initializing Read/Write Buffers'; sUpdateDCBErr = 'Error updating DataControlBlock'; sCommTimeoutsErr = 'Error updating CommTimeouts'; sEscFuncError = 'EscapeCommFunction failure'; sReadError = 'Read error'; sWriteError = 'Write error'; sMsgExtention = ' (Error: %d) '; PurgeRead = PURGE_RXABORT + PURGE_RXCLEAR; PurgeWrite = PURGE_TXABORT + PURGE_TXCLEAR; PurgeReadWrite = PurgeRead + PurgeWrite; fBinary = $00000001; fParity = $00000002; fOutxCtsFlow = $00000004; fOutxDsrFlow = $00000008; fDtrControl = $00000030; fDtrControlDisable = $00000000; fDtrControlEnable = $00000010; fDtrControlHandshake = $00000020; fDsrSensitivity = $00000040; fTXContinueOnXoff = $00000080; fOutX = $00000100; fInX = $00000200; fErrorChar = $00000400; fNull = $00000800; fRtsControl = $00003000; fRtsControlDisable = $00000000; fRtsControlEnable = $00001000; fRtsControlHandshake = $00002000; fRtsControlToggle = $00003000; fAbortOnError = $00004000; fDummy2 = $FFFF8000; CommEventList: array[TCommEventType] of dword = ( EV_BREAK, EV_CTS, EV_DSR, EV_ERR, EV_RING, EV_RLSD, EV_RXCHAR, EV_RXFLAG, EV_TXEMPTY); CommBaudRates: array[TBaudRate] of Integer = ( CBR_110, CBR_300, CBR_600, CBR_1200, CBR_2400, CBR_4800, CBR_9600, CBR_14400, CBR_19200, CBR_38400, CBR_56000, CBR_57600, CBR_115200, CBR_128000, CBR_256000); CommOptions: array[TCommOption] of Integer = (fParity, fDsrSensitivity, fTXContinueOnXoff, fErrorChar, fNull); CommDataBits: array[TDatabits] of Integer = ( 4, 5, 6, 7, 8); CommParity: array[TParity] of Integer = ( NOPARITY, ODDPARITY, EVENPARITY, MARKPARITY, SPACEPARITY); CommStopBits: array[TStopbits] of Integer = ( ONESTOPBIT, ONE5STOPBITS, TWOSTOPBITS ); { RaiseCommError } procedure RaiseCommError(Msg: string; ErrCode: Integer); var E: ECommError; begin E := ECommError.Create(Msg + Format(sMsgExtention, [ErrCode])); E.ErrorCode := ErrCode; raise E; end; { RaiseCommError } { TCommEventThread } constructor TCommEventThread.Create(Handle: THandle; Events: TCommEventTypes); var EvIndex: TCommEventType; AttrWord: dword; begin Priority := tpHigher; FreeOnTerminate := True; FCommHandle := Handle; AttrWord := $0; for EvIndex := evBreak to evTxEmpty do if EvIndex in Events then AttrWord := AttrWord or CommEventList[EvIndex]; SetCommMask(FCommHandle, AttrWord); FEvent := TSimpleEvent.Create; inherited Create(false); end; destructor TCommEventThread.Destroy; begin FEvent.Free; Inherited Destroy; end; procedure TCommEventThread.Execute; var Overlapped: TOverlapped; WaitEventResult: Boolean; begin FillChar(Overlapped, Sizeof(Overlapped), 0); Overlapped.hEvent := FEvent.Handle; while (not Terminated) do begin WaitEventResult := WaitCommEvent(FCommHandle, FEventMask, @Overlapped); if (GetLastError = ERROR_IO_PENDING) then WaitEventResult := (FEvent.WaitFor(INFINITE) = wrSignaled); if WaitEventResult then begin Synchronize(DoOnSignal); FEvent.ResetEvent; end; end; PurgeComm(FCommHandle, PurgeReadWrite); end; procedure TCommEventThread.Terminate; begin FEvent.SetEvent; inherited; end; procedure TCommEventThread.DoOnSignal; begin if Assigned(FOnSignal) then FOnSignal(Self, FEventMask); end; {TCommEventChars} constructor TCommEventChars.Create(Owner: TCustomComm); begin Inherited Create; FOwner := Owner; FXonChar := #17; FXoffChar := #19; FErrorChar := #0; FEofChar := #0; FEvtChar := #0; end; procedure TCommEventChars.SetEventChar(Index: Integer; Value: Char); begin case Index of 1: FXOnChar := Value; 2: FXOffChar := Value; 3: FErrorChar := Value; 4: FEofChar := Value; 5: FEvtChar := Value; end; if FOwner <> nil then FOwner.UpdateDataControlBlock; end; procedure TCommEventChars.Assign(Source: TPersistent); begin if (Source <> nil) and (Source is TCommEventChars) then begin FXonChar := TCommEventChars(Source).FXonChar; FXoffChar := TCommEventChars(Source).FXoffChar; FErrorChar := TCommEventChars(Source).FErrorChar; FEofChar := TCommEventChars(Source).FEofChar; FEvtChar := TCommEventChars(Source).FEvtChar; end else inherited Assign(Source); end; { TCustomComm } constructor TCustomComm.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FHandle := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; FDeviceName := DefaultDeviceName; FReadTimeout := 1000; FWriteTimeout := 1000; FReadBufSize := 4096; FWriteBufSize := 2048; FMonitorEvents := [evBreak, evCts, evDsr, evError, evRing, evRlsd, evRxChar, evRxFlag, evTxEmpty]; FBaudRate := br9600; FParity := paNone; FStopbits := sb10; FDatabits := da8; FOptions := []; FFlowControl := fcDefault; FEventChars := TCommEventChars.Create(self); FEvent := TSimpleEvent.Create; FCriticalSection := TCriticalSection.Create; end; destructor TCustomComm.Destroy; begin Close; FEventChars.Free; FEvent.Free; FCriticalSection.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TCustomComm.Lock; begin FCriticalSection.Enter; end; procedure TCustomComm.Unlock; begin FCriticalSection.Leave; end; function TCustomComm.Enabled: Boolean; begin Result := FHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; end; procedure TCustomComm.CheckOpen; begin if Enabled then RaiseCommError(sPortAlreadyOpen, -1); end; procedure TCustomComm.CreateHandle; begin FHandle := CreateFile(PCHAR(FDeviceName), GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 0); if not Enabled then RaiseCommError(sOpenError, GetLastError); if GetFileType(FHandle) <> FILE_TYPE_CHAR then begin DestroyHandle; RaiseCommError(sInvalidHandle, -1); end; end; procedure TCustomComm.DestroyHandle; begin CloseHandle(FHandle); FHandle := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; end; procedure TCustomComm.Open; begin CheckOpen; CreateHandle; if Enabled then begin FEventThread := TCommEventThread.Create(FHandle, FMonitorEvents); FEventThread.OnSignal := HandleCommEvent; UpdateCommTimeouts; UpdateDataControlBlock; if not SetupComm(FHandle, FReadBufSize, FWriteBufSize) then RaiseCommError(sSetupCommErr, GetLastError); end; end; procedure TCustomComm.Close; begin if Enabled then begin FEventThread.Terminate; DestroyHandle; end; end; function TCustomComm.Write(var Buf; Count: Integer): Integer; var Overlapped: TOverlapped; ErrorCode: Integer; begin Lock; try FillChar(Overlapped, Sizeof(Overlapped), 0); Overlapped.hEvent := FEvent.Handle; if not WriteFile(FHandle, Buf, Count, dWord(Result), @Overlapped) and (GetLastError <> ERROR_IO_PENDING) then begin ErrorCode := GetLastError; RaiseCommError(sWriteError, ErrorCode); end; if FEvent.WaitFor(FWriteTimeout) <> wrSignaled then Result := -1 else begin GetOverlappedResult(Handle, Overlapped, dWord(Result), False); FEvent.ResetEvent; end; finally Unlock; end; end; function TCustomComm.Read(var Buf; Count: Integer): Integer; var Overlapped: TOverlapped; ErrorCode: Integer; begin Lock; try FillChar(Overlapped, Sizeof(Overlapped), 0); Overlapped.hEvent := FEvent.Handle; if not ReadFile(FHandle, Buf, Count, dWord(Result), @Overlapped) and (GetLastError <> ERROR_IO_PENDING) then begin ErrorCode := GetLastError; RaiseCommError(sReadError, ErrorCode); end; if FEvent.WaitFor(FReadTimeout) <> wrSignaled then Result := -1 else begin GetOverlappedResult(Handle, Overlapped, dWord(Result), False); FEvent.ResetEvent; end; finally Unlock; end; end; function TCustomComm.InQueCount: Integer; var ComStat: TComStat; Errors: dword; begin if Enabled then begin ClearCommError(FHandle, Errors, @ComStat); Result := ComStat.cbInQue; end else Result := -1; end; function TCustomComm.OutQueCount: Integer; var ComStat: TComStat; Errors: dword; begin if Enabled then begin ClearCommError(FHandle, Errors, @ComStat); Result := ComStat.cbOutQue; end else Result := -1; end; procedure TCustomComm.PurgeIn; begin if Enabled then PurgeComm(FHandle, PurgeRead); end; procedure TCustomComm.PurgeOut; begin if Enabled then PurgeComm(FHandle, PurgeWrite); end; procedure TCustomComm.SetDeviceName(const Value: string); begin if FDeviceName <> Value then begin CheckOpen; FDeviceName := Value; end; end; procedure TCustomComm.SetMonitorEvents(Value: TCommEventTypes); begin if FMonitorEvents <> Value then begin CheckOpen; FMonitorEvents := Value; end; end; procedure TCustomComm.SetReadBufSize(Value: Integer); begin if FReadBufSize <> Value then begin CheckOpen; FReadBufSize := Value; end; end; procedure TCustomComm.SetWriteBufSize(Value: Integer); begin if FWriteBufSize <> Value then begin CheckOpen; FWriteBufSize := Value; end; end; procedure TCustomComm.SetBaudRate(Value: TBaudRate); begin if FBaudRate <> Value then begin FBaudRate := Value; UpdateDataControlBlock; end; end; procedure TCustomComm.SetParity(Value: TParity); begin if FParity <> Value then begin FParity := Value; UpdateDataControlBlock; end; end; procedure TCustomComm.SetStopbits(Value: TStopbits); begin if FStopBits <> Value then begin FStopbits := Value; UpdateDataControlBlock; end; end; procedure TCustomComm.SetDataBits(Value: TDatabits); begin if FDataBits <> Value then begin FDataBits:=Value; UpdateDataControlBlock; end; end; procedure TCustomComm.SetOptions(Value: TCommOptions); begin if FOptions <> Value then begin FOptions := Value; UpdateDataControlBlock; end; end; procedure TCustomComm.SetFlowControl(Value: TFlowControl); begin if FFlowControl <> Value then begin FFlowControl := Value; UpdateDataControlBlock; end; end; procedure TCustomComm.HandleCommEvent(Sender: TObject; Status: dword); var ComStat: TComStat; Errors: dword; begin ClearCommError(FHandle, Errors, @ComStat); if Status and EV_BREAK > 0 then if assigned(FOnBreak) then FOnBreak(self); if Status and EV_CTS > 0 then if assigned(FOnCts) then FOnCts(self); if Status and EV_DSR > 0 then if assigned(FOnDsr) then FOnDsr(self); if Status and EV_ERR > 0 then if assigned(FOnError) then FOnError(self, Errors); if Status and EV_RING > 0 then if assigned(FOnRing) then FOnRing(self); if Status and EV_RLSD > 0 then if assigned(FOnRlsd) then FOnRlsd(self); if Status and EV_RXCHAR > 0 then if ComStat.cbInQue > 0 then if assigned(FOnRxChar) then FOnRxChar(self, ComStat.cbInQue); if Status and EV_RXFLAG > 0 then if assigned(FOnRxFlag) then FOnRxFlag(self); if Status and EV_TXEMPTY > 0 then if assigned(FOnTxEmpty) then FOnTxEmpty(self); end; function TCustomComm.GetModemState(Index: Integer): boolean; var Flag, State: dword; begin case Index of 1: State := MS_CTS_ON; 2: State := MS_DSR_ON; 3: State := MS_RING_ON; 4: State := MS_RLSD_ON; else State := 0; end; Result := false; if Enabled then if GetCommModemStatus(FHandle, Flag) then Result := (Flag and State > 0); end; function TCustomComm.GetComState(Index: Integer): Boolean; var Flag: TComStateFlag; ComStat: TComStat; Errors: dword; begin case Index of 1: Flag := fCtlHold; 2: Flag := fDsrHold; 3: Flag := fRlsHold; 4: Flag := fXoffHold; 5: Flag := fXOffSent; else Flag := fCtlHold; end; Result := false; if Enabled then begin ClearCommError(FHandle, Errors, @ComStat); Result := Flag in ComStat.Flags; end; end; procedure TCustomComm.UpdateDataControlBlock; var OptIndex: TCommOption; begin if Enabled then begin GetCommState(FHandle, FDCB); FDCB.BaudRate := CommBaudRates[FBaudRate]; FDCB.Parity := CommParity[FParity]; FDCB.Stopbits := CommStopbits[FStopbits]; FDCB.Bytesize := CommDatabits[FDatabits]; FDCB.XonChar := FEventChars.XonChar; FDCB.XoffChar := FEventChars.XOffChar; FDCB.ErrorChar := FEventChars.ErrorChar; FDCB.EofChar := FEventChars.EofChar; FDCB.EvtChar := FEventChars.EvtChar; FDCB.XonLim := FReadBufSize div 4; FDCB.XoffLim := FReadBufSize div 4; InitHandshaking(FDCB); for OptIndex := coParityCheck to coNullStrip do if OptIndex in FOptions then FDCB.Flags := FDCB.Flags or CommOptions[OptIndex] else FDCB.Flags := FDCB.Flags and not CommOptions[OptIndex]; if not SetCommState(FHandle, FDCB) then RaiseCommError(sUpdateDCBErr, GetLastError); end; end; procedure TCustomComm.EscapeComm(Flag: Integer); var Escaped: Boolean; begin if Enabled then begin Escaped := EscapeCommFunction(FHandle, Flag); if not Escaped then RaiseCommError(SEscFuncError, GetLastError); end else RaiseCommError(SPortNotOpen, -1); end; procedure TCustomComm.SetDTRState(State: boolean); const DTR: array[boolean] of Integer = (CLRDTR, SETDTR); begin EscapeComm(DTR[State]); end; procedure TCustomComm.SetRTSState(State: boolean); const RTS: array[boolean] of Integer = (CLRRTS, SETRTS); begin EscapeComm(RTS[State]); end; procedure TCustomComm.SetBREAKState(State: Boolean); const BREAK: array[boolean] of Integer = (CLRBREAK, SETBREAK); begin EscapeComm(BREAK[State]); if Enabled then PurgeComm(FHandle, PurgeReadWrite); end; procedure TCustomComm.SetXONState(State: Boolean); const XON: array[boolean] of Integer = (SETXOFF, SETXON); begin EscapeComm(XON[State]); end; procedure TCustomComm.UpdateCommTimeouts; var CommTimeouts: TCommTimeouts; begin FillChar(CommTimeOuts, Sizeof(CommTimeOuts), 0); CommTimeOuts.ReadIntervalTimeout := MAXDWORD; if not SetCommTimeOuts(FHandle, CommTimeOuts) then RaiseCommError(sCommTimeoutsErr, GetLastError); end; procedure TCustomComm.InitHandshaking(var DCB: TDCB); begin case FFlowControl of fcNone: //Clear all flags DCB.Flags := fBinary; fcDefault:; //do nothing; fcCTS: DCB.Flags := DCB.Flags or fOutxCtsFlow or fRtsControlHandshake; fcDTR: DCB.Flags := DCB.Flags or fOutxDsrFlow or fDtrControlHandshake; fcSoftware: DCB.Flags := DCB.Flags or fOutX or fInX; end; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Varian Freeware', [TComm]); end; end.
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