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Name: Mr. Peter Montgomery

7/19/02 - No, I didn't die, nor did I give up on finishing the SX-Key updates.  Instead, Parallax hired me to complete the work and it just took a lot longer than I expected.  Anyway, it's now in public beta release and is available on the Parallax website at:

Go there, download it, and check it out!  There are tons of new improvments as this is a near total re-write of the user interface for the SX-Key.


This is the original post on this page, which I failed to put a date on:

Here is my first release of SXKey software improvements. I am referring to it as version 1.33.1.  The downloads come as either the executable or the project files.  If you want both, then you must download each separately.  You can download them from

Here's a list of the current changes:

  1. All windows store (and use) their last positions in the registry.
  2. Added a button labeled "Default Pos." on the Debug window which will reset the debug windows to the default position when pushed.
  3. The COM port is stored and retrieved from the registry.
  4. The IRC calibration settings are stored and retrieved from the registry.
  5. The program now maintains a list of the 5 most recently opened files in the registry. When a file is loaded from this list, the current working directory becomes the directory of the open file. This more or less eliminates the need for a default directory since users can open files from the most recent list and then navigate from there if needed.

Here's hoping that people find this useful. More changes are in the works, but they will have to wait a little bit. Yes, an updated editor with undo, redo, scrollbars, etc is planned.



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