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Drawing lines and shapes

The applet below is a DrawSelector. Select the type of shape you want to draw from the pulldown list below. Press the "Go" button to start and the "Stop" button to stop.


So this applet shows what sort of graphics can be done with Java and how fast those operations are.

There is certainly room for improvement. For example, the drawing surface used should really have been a subclass of a Java Canvas, and the buttons should be greyed out at the right times, but on the whole this does the job it was meant to do. Later on, more consideration will be given to user interfaces.

In the words of a sagging grey-haired well known sports personality (over there), How do they do that?

file: /Techref/language/java/nosugar/graphics/draw/index.htm, 1KB, , updated: 1997/6/1 20:42, local time: 2024/9/11 04:18,

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