option explicit 'Interface of the graphical class 'Declaration : Set MyObj = New ImgClass 'Properties : ' Palette(x) R/W, x=0..255, set/get an RGB code. ' Width R/W Set/get the width of the picture. Resizing erases the picture ' Height R/W set/get the height of the picture. Resizing erases the picture ' Depth R/W set/get the color depth in bits. =8 ou 24. Decreasing alters the picture ' Pixel(x,y) R/W, x=0..Width-1, y=0..Height-1. Get/set the color-code of a pixel. ' QuickPixel(x,y) R/W, quicker than pixel : no clipping or depth control ' NbColors R/W Get the nb of colors used in the picture, or decrease it 'Methodes : ' ErasePic Clear the picture ' GetRGB(r,g,b) Gets a color-code depending of the color depth : if 8bits : nearest color ' Display Preview the picture with Internet Explorer ' DisplayInfo Pops up a box with physicla picture properties ' SaveBMP(Chemin_Complet) Save the picture to a BMP file ' SavePCX(chemin_complet) Save the picture to a PCX file Class ImgClass Private ImgL,ImgH,ImgDepth Private ImgMatrice() 'X,Y,(rgb) Private IE,TF 'DisplaySystem, TempFile Public Palette(255)'262144 colors => values=0..63 / composante Public Property Let Width (valeur) ImgL=valeur 'Exit Property ErasePic End Property Public Property Get Width Width=ImgL End Property Public Property Let Height (valeur) ImgH=valeur 'Exit Property ErasePic End Property Public Property Get Height Height=ImgH End Property Public Property Let Depth (valeur) '8 ou 24 Dim x,y If Valeur=8 Then If ImgDepth<>8 Then 'If we will use a palette 'indexes must not be greater than 256 '#### There we should prefer to make a good palette and remap For y=0 To Height-1 For x=0 To Width-1 If ImgMatrice(x,y)>256 Then ImgMatrice(x,y)=ImgMatrice(x,y) Mod 256 End If Next Next End If End If ImgDepth=Valeur End Property Public Property Get Depth Depth=ImgDepth End Property Public Property Let Pixel (x,y,color) If (x<ImgL) And (x>=0) And (y<ImgH) And (y>=0) Then 'Clipping Select Case Depth Case 24 ImgMatrice(x,y)=Color Case 8 ImgMatrice(x,y)=Color Mod 256 Case Else WScript.Echo "ColorDepth unknown : " & Depth & " bits" End Select End If End Property Public Property Get Pixel (x,y) If (x<ImgL) And (x>=0) And (y<ImgH) And (y>=0) Then Pixel=ImgMatrice(x,y) End If End Property Public Property Let QuickPixel (x,y,color) ImgMatrice(x,y)=Color End Property Public Property Get QuickPixel (x,y) QuickPixel=ImgMatrice(x,y) End Property Public Sub ErasePic 'Dim x,y,L,H 'L=Width-1 'H=Height-1 'out of the loop to speed up 'For x=0 to L ' For y=0 To H ' ImgMatrice(x,y)=0 ' Next 'Next Redim ImgMatrice(ImgL-1,ImgH-1) 'Option Base 0 End Sub Public Property Get NbColors Dim x,y,L,H,i,N,C,F Dim Colors() N=-1 L=Width-1 H=Height-1 'out of the loop to speed up For x=0 to L For y=0 To H C=ImgMatrice(x,y) F=False For i=0 to N 'Loop in the colors learned IF Colors(i)=C Then F=True Exit For End If Next If Not F Then N=N+1 Redim Preserve Colors(N) Colors(N)=C End IF Next Next NbColors=N+1 End Property Public Property Let NbColors (N) If N<Me.NbColors Then '######## To be done 'Reduce the nb of colors only if needed WScript.Echo "Reducing nulber of colors from " & Me.NbColors & " to " & N End If End Property Private Sub Class_Initialize Dim i ReDim Palette(255) For i=0 to 63 Palette(i)=CLng(i*256*256+i*256+i) Next For i=64 to 127 Palette(i)=CLng((i-64)*256*256+(127-i)) Next For i=128 to 191 Palette(i)=CLng((i-128)+(191-i)*256) Next For i=192 to 255 Palette(i)=CLng((i-192)*256+(255-i)*256*256) Next Depth=8 Width=0 Height=0 End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate If TF<>"" Then 'Kill the temp file Dim fso Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") fso.DeleteFile(TF) Set fso=Nothing End If wscript.echo "ImgClass terminated" & vbCrLf & ScriptEngine & " Version " & ScriptEngineMajorVersion & "." & ScriptEngineMinorVersion & "." & ScriptEngineBuildVersion If isObject(IE) Then On Error Resume Next ie.Quit Set IE=Nothing End If End Sub Public Function GetRGB(r,g,b) Dim i,r1,g1,b1,k,d,d2 Select Case Depth Case 24 GetRGB=r*256*256+g*256+b Case 8 d2=256*256*256 k=-1 'Find the best color and return its index For i=0 To 255 r1=Palette(i) b1=r1 Mod 256 g1=r1\256 r1=g1\256 g1=g1 Mod 256 d=abs(r-r1)*29+abs(g-g1)*60+abs(b-b1)*11 If d<d2 Then 'Nearest color d2=d k=i If d=0 Then Exit For 'same color End If Next GetRGB=k Case Else End Select End Function Public Sub DisplayInfo Dim Info Info="Infos" & vbcrlf & "Width=" & Width & vbCrLf & "Height=" & Height Info=Info & vbCrLf & "Depth " & Depth & " bits" Info=Info & vbCrLf & "Nb of colors : " & NbColors Wscript.Echo Info End Sub Public Sub Display Dim L,H,F L=Width+30 '+ browser border If L>640 Then L=640 '######## To be done, get the screen width H=Height+32 If H>480 Then H=480 '######### To be done, get the screen height F=True If isObject(IE) Then 'IE can be manually closed On Error Resume Next err.clear F=ie.Left F=(err.Number<>0) On Error Goto 0 If F Then Set IE=Nothing End If If F Then Set IE = WScript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") ie.navigate "about:blank" While ie.busy WScript.Sleep 90 Wend While IE.Document.readyState <> "complete" Wscript.Sleep 90 Wend ie.menubar=0 ie.toolbar=0 ie.statusbar=0 ie.document.title="Preview" ie.document.body.leftmargin=0 ie.document.body.topmargin=0 End If ie.left=(800-L)/2 ie.top=(600-H)/2 ie.height=H ie.width=L If TF="" Then 'TempFileName Dim fso Set fso=WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") TF=fso.BuildPath(fso.GetSpecialFolder(2).Path,fso.GetTempName) & ".bmp" Set fso=Nothing End If SaveBMP tf ie.document.body.innerhtml="<img src=""" & TF & """>" 'ie.navigate tf ie.visible=1 End Sub Sub WriteLong(ByRef Fic,ByVal k) Dim x For x=1 To 4 Fic.Write chr(k Mod 256) k=k\256 Next End Sub Public Sub SaveBMP(fichier) 'Save the picture to a bmp file Const ForReading = 1 'f.skip(5) Const ForWriting = 2 Const ForAppending = 8 Dim fso,Fic Dim i,r,g,b Dim k,x,y,Pal,chaine Select Case Depth Case 24 Pal=0 Case 8 Pal=1 Case Else WScript.Echo "ColorDepth unknown : " & Depth & " bits" Exit Sub End Select Set fso=WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set Fic = fso.OpenTextFile(fichier, ForWriting, True) 'FileHeader Fic.Write "BM" 'Type k=14+40+256*3*Pal+Height*((4-(Width Mod 4))mod 4)+Width*Height*Depth/8 'All headers included WriteLong Fic,k 'Size of entire file in bytes WriteLong Fic,0 '2 words. reserved, must be zero WriteLong Fic,54+Pal*1024 '2 words: offset of BITMAPFILEHEADER (access to the beginning of the bitmap) 54=14+40 (fileheader+infoheader) 'InfoHeader WriteLong Fic,40 'Size of Info Header(40 bytes) WriteLong Fic,Width WriteLong Fic,Height Fic.Write chr(1) & chr(0) 'Planes : 1 Fic.Write chr(Depth) & chr(0) 'Bitcount : 1,4,8,16,24,32 = bitsperpixel WriteLong Fic,0 'Compression 0=off, 1=8bits RLE, 2=4bits RLE WriteLong Fic,Height*((4-(Width Mod 4))mod 4)+Width*Height*Depth/8 'Sizeimage or 0 if not compressed. Depth/8=3 char/pix in 24 bits, =1 in 8 bits WriteLong Fic,3780 'XPelsPerMeter WriteLong Fic,3780 'YPelsPerMeter WriteLong Fic,0 'ClrUsed 0=all colors used WriteLong Fic,0 'ClrImportant 0=all colors are important If Pal=1 Then 'Palette BGR0 sur 1024 octets For i=0 to 255 b=Palette(i) g=b\256 r=g\256 Fic.Write chr((b Mod 64)*4) & chr((g Mod 64)*4) & chr((r Mod 64)*4) & chr(0) Next End If Chaine="" 'Padding mod 4 If (Width Mod 4)<>0 then Chaine=String(4-Width Mod 4,chr(0)) Select Case Depth Case 24 For y=0 To Height-1 For x=0 To Width-1 k=Pixel(x,Height-y-1) 'Origin of bitmap: bottom left Fic.Write chr(k Mod 256) k=k\256 Fic.Write chr(k Mod 256) k=k\256 Fic.Write chr(k Mod 256) Next If Chaine <>"" Then Fic.Write Chaine Next Case 8 For y=0 To Height-1 For x=0 To Width-1 Fic.Write chr(Pixel(x,Height-y-1)) Next If Chaine <>"" Then Fic.Write Chaine Next Case Else WScript.Echo "ColorDepth unknown : " & Depth & " bits" End Select Fic.Close Set Fic=Nothing Set fso=Nothing End Sub Public Sub SavePCX(fichier) Const ForWriting = 2 'f.skip(5) Dim fso,Fic,i,r,v,b If Depth<>8 Then WScript.Echo "Invalid ColorDepth" Exit Sub End If Set fso=WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set Fic = fso.OpenTextFile(fichier, ForWriting, True) 'Header de 128 octets Fic.Write chr(10) & chr(5) & chr(1) & chr(8) 'Manufacturer, version, encoding, bitpix Fic.Write chr(0) & chr(0) 'Xmin Fic.Write chr(0) & chr(0) 'Ymin Fic.Write chr((Width-1) Mod 256) & chr((Width-1)\256) 'Xmax Fic.Write chr((Height-1) Mod 256) & chr((Height-1)\256) 'Ymax Fic.Write chr(Height Mod 256) & chr(Height\256) 'Hdpi Fic.Write chr(Width Mod 256) & chr(Width\256) 'Vdpi Fic.Write String(48,chr(0)) 'Colormap de 0 a 47 Fic.Write chr(0) 'reserve Fic.Write chr(1) 'Nb Planes Fic.Write chr(Width Mod 256) & chr(Width\256) 'Byteslineplane Fic.Write chr(1) & chr(0) 'Paletteinfo Fic.Write chr(0) & chr(0) 'HScreenSize Fic.Write chr(0) & chr(0) 'VScreenSize Fic.Write String(127-74+1,chr(0)) 'Filer 'Content compressed Dim octetimage,octetmem,compteur,pointeur,w,h,chaine w=Width-1 h=Height-1 For i=0 To h octetmem=imgMatrice(0,i) compteur=0 Chaine="" For pointeur=1 to w 'le reste des points de la ligne octetimage=imgMatrice(pointeur,i) If (octetimage=octetmem) AND (compteur<62) Then compteur=compteur+1 ELSE If octetmem<&HC0 Then If compteur>0 Then Chaine=Chaine & chr(compteur+&HC1) Chaine=Chaine & chr(octetmem) Else For b=0 To compteur Chaine=Chaine & chr(&HC1) & chr(octetmem) Next End If octetmem=octetimage compteur=0 End If Next If octetmem<&HC0 Then If compteur>0 Then Chaine=Chaine & chr(compteur+&HC1) Chaine=Chaine & chr(octetmem) Else For b=0 To compteur Chaine=Chaine & chr(&HC1) & chr(octetmem) Next End If Fic.Write Chaine Next ' tell that a palette is present Fic.Write chr(12) 'Palette For i=0 to 255 b=Palette(i) v=b\256 r=v\256 v=v mod 256 b=b mod 256 Fic.Write chr(r*4) & chr(v*4) & chr(b*4) Next Fic.Close Set Fic=Nothing Set fso=Nothing End Sub End Class ' Example: Dim X Set X = New ImgClass x.Width=80 x.Height=60 Dim i,j for i = 10 to 20 for j = 2 to 50 x.Pixel(i,j)=127 next next x.SaveBMP("c:\red_on_black.bmp") x.Display x.DisplayInfo Set X = Nothing
file: /Techref/language/asp/vbs/vbscript/imgClass.htm, 14KB, , updated: 2008/11/27 12:43, local time: 2025/3/28 06:15, IN
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