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XESS Corp FPGA examples and solutions

XSP-010 Prototyping board with 5v, 10,000 gate Spartan FPGA and 8031 microcontroller

"Xilinx Student Edition" Prentice Hall; ISBN: 0136716296 available from $87 includes the Xilinx XACTstep Foundation Series Software for Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT operating systems. This easy-to-use software is compatible with commercial Xilinx software which permits users to implement designs up to 8,000 logic gates. The book provides step-by-step instructions for designing and downloading multiple designs into Xilinx FPGA devices and complex programmable logic displays (CPLDs) as well as examples covering topics from basic digital design concepts to state machines and 4-bit microprocessors. It also includes a coupon for discounts on Xilinx XC4000E and XC9500 device-based prototyping boards and cables developed specifically for this package. These allow complete designs to be downloaded in seconds directly from the PC to the prototyping boards that feature on-board programmable logic chips that can be reprogrammed repeatedly, so the same hardware can be reused for different designs.

interface to produce VGA display



IO MicroController Price
Model Storage Gates Cells
XSP-010 Spartan XCS10 RAM 3K-10K 466 112 80C31 279/229
XS-40 XC95-108 FLASH  2400 108 108 80C31 199/179

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