CONTENTS: (linked to locations in list)
Label | Description |
labelname | global label |
:labelname | local label |
Expression Operato | Description |
\ | Macro argument |
|| | Absolute |
+ | (no effect) |
- | Negate |
~ | NOT |
Expression Operato | Description |
& | AND |
| | OR |
^ | XOR |
+ | Add |
- | Subtract |
* | Multiply |
/ | Divide |
// | Mod |
<< | Shift left |
>> | Shift right (arithmetic) |
>< | Reverse bits |
. | Bit Address |
Expression Operato | Description |
=< | Below or equal |
=> | Above or equal |
= | Equal |
<> | Not Equal |
< | Below |
> | Above |
( | Begin sub expression |
) | End sub expression |
Directive | Description |
DEVICE setting, setting | Establish device settings (should precede other directives/instructions) |
ID '8string' | Establish device ID |
RESET address | Assemble 'JMP address' at last location for reset |
label = value | Assign value to variable label - variable labels can be reassigned with '=' |
label EQU value | Assign value to constant label - constant labels cannot be reassigned |
ORG address | Set origin to address |
DS locations | Define space: origin=origin+locations |
DW data,data,... | Define word(s) |
IFDEF label | Begin conditional block if label defined |
IFNDEF label | Begin conditional block if label undefined |
IF condition | Begin conditional block if true |
ELSE | Alternate condition |
ENDIF | End conditional block |
REPT count | Begin repeat block |
ENDR | End repeat block |
label MACRO {argcount} | Begin macro definition |
EXITM | Exit macro, useful within IF blocks within macro definitions |
ENDM | End macro definition |
EXPAND | Expand macros (default) |
NOEXPAND | Don't expand macros |
CASE | Enable case-sensitivity |
NOCASE | Disable case-sensitivity |
ERROR 'message' | Force error message. Useful within IF blocks. If within MACRO, shows caller |
END | End source code; stop assembly |
BREAK | Set breakpoint in code - only 1 allowed |
WATCH bitaddress,bits/chrs,style | Set variable to watch (style: UDEC/SDEC/UHEX/SHEX/UBIN/SBIN/FSTR/ZSTR) |
FREQ hertz | Set clock frequency from 400,000 to 110,000,000 (default is 50,000,000) |
******byte-oriented operations
Instruction | Words | Flags | W used | Description | Microchip PIC16C5x Equiv |
MOV W,#lit | 1 | - | - | Move literal into W | MOVLW lit |
MOV W,fr | 1 | Z | - | Move fr into W | MOVF fr,0 |
MOV fr,W | 1 | - | - | Move W into fr | MOVWF fr |
MOV fr,#lit | 2 | - | W | Move literal into fr | MOVLW lit; MOVWF fr |
MOV fr1,fr2 | 2 | Z | W | Move fr2 into fr1 | MOVF fr2,0; MOVWF fr1 |
ADD W,fr | 1 | C,DC,Z | - | Add fr into W | ADDWF fr,0 |
ADD fr,W | 1 | C,DC,Z | - | Add W into fr | ADDWF fr,1 |
ADD fr,#lit | 2 | C,DC,Z | W | Add literal into fr | MOVLW lit; ADDWF fr,1 |
ADD fr1,fr2 | 2 | C,DC,Z | W | Add fr2 into fr1 | MOVF fr2,0; ADDWF fr1,1 |
MOV W,fr-W | 1 | C,DC,Z | - | Move fr-W into W | SUBWF fr,0 |
SUB fr,W | 1 | C,DC,Z | - | Subtract W from fr | SUBWF fr,1 |
SUB fr,#lit | 2 | C,DC,Z | W | Subtract literal from fr | MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,1 |
SUB fr1,fr2 | 2 | C,DC,Z | W | Subtract fr2 from fr1 | MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,1 |
AND W,#lit | 1 | Z | - | AND literal into W | ANDLW lit |
AND W,fr | 1 | Z | - | AND fr into W | ANDWF fr,0 |
AND fr,W | 1 | Z | - | AND W into fr | ANDWF fr,1 |
AND fr,#lit | 2 | Z | W | AND literal into fr | MOVLW lit; ANDWF fr,1 |
AND fr1,fr2 | 2 | Z | W | AND fr2 into fr1 | MOVF fr2,0; ANDWF fr,1 |
OR W,#lit | 1 | Z | - | OR literal into W | IORLW lit |
OR W,fr | 1 | Z | - | OR fr into W | IORWF fr,0 |
OR fr,W | 1 | Z | - | OR W into fr | IORWF fr,1 |
OR fr,#lit | 2 | Z | W | OR literal into fr | MOVLW lit; IORWF fr,1 |
OR fr1,fr2 | 2 | Z | W | OR fr2 into fr1 | MOVF fr2,0; IORWF fr1,1 |
XOR W,#lit | 1 | Z | - | XOR literal into W | XORLW lit |
XOR W,fr | 1 | Z | - | XOR fr into W | XORWF fr,0 |
XOR fr,W | 1 | Z | - | XOR W into fr | XORWF fr,1 |
XOR fr,#lit | 2 | Z | W | XOR literal into fr | MOVLW lit; XORWF fr,1 |
XOR fr1,fr2 | 2 | Z | W | XOR fr2 into fr1 | MOVF fr2,0; XORWF fr1,1 |
CLR W | 1 | Z | - | Clear W | CLRW |
CLR fr | 1 | Z | - | Clear fr | CLRF fr |
MOV W,++fr | 1 | Z | - | Move fr+1 into W | INCF fr,0 |
INC fr | 1 | Z | - | Increment fr | INCF fr,1 |
MOV W,--fr | 1 | Z | - | Move fr-1 into W | DECF fr,0 |
DEC fr | 1 | Z | - | Decrement fr | DECF fr,1 |
MOV W,<<fr | 1 | C | - | Move left-rotated fr into W | RLF fr,0 |
RL fr | 1 | C | - | Rotate left fr | RLF fr,1 |
MOV W,>>fr | 1 | C | - | Move right-rotated fr into W | RRF fr,0 |
RR fr | 1 | C | - | Rotate right fr | RRF fr,1 |
MOV W,<>fr | 1 | - | - | Move nibble-swapped fr into W | SWAPF fr,0 |
SWAP fr | 1 | - | - | Swap nibbles in fr | SWAPF fr,1 |
NOT W | 1 | Z | - | Perform not on W | XORLW 0FFh |
MOV W,/fr | 1 | Z | - | Move not'd fr into W | COMF fr,0 |
NOT fr | 1 | Z | - | Perform not on fr | COMF fr,1 |
TEST W | 1 | Z | - | Test W for zero | IORLW 0 |
TEST fr | 1 | Z | - | Test fr for zero | MOVF fr,1 |
Instruction | Words | Flags | W used | Description | Microchip PIC16C5x Equiv |
CLRB bit | 1 | - | - | Clear bit | BCF bit |
CLC | 1 | C | - | Clear carry | BCF 3,0 |
CLZ | 1 | Z | - | Clear zero | BCF 3,2 |
SETB bit | 1 | - | - | Set bit | BSF bit |
STC | 1 | C | - | Set carry | BSF 3,0 |
STZ | 1 | Z | - | Set zero | BSF 3,2 |
ADDB fr,bit | 2 | Z | - | Add bit into fr | BTFSC bit; INCF fr,1 |
ADDB fr,/bit | 2 | Z | - | Add not bit into fr | BTFSS bit; INCF fr,1 |
SUBB fr,bit | 2 | Z | - | Subtract bit from fr | BTFSC bit; DECF fr,1 |
SUBB fr,/bit | 2 | Z | - | Subtract not bit from fr | BTFSS bit; DECF fr,1 |
MOVB bit1,bit2 | 4 | - | - | Move bit2 into bit1 | BTFSS bit2; BCF bit1; BTFSC bit2; BSF bit1 |
MOVB bit1,/bit2 | 4 | - | - | Move not bit2 into bit1 | BTFSC bit2; BCF bit1; BTFSS bit2; BSF bit1 |
Instruction | Words | Flags | W used | Description | Microchip PIC16C5x Equiv |
MOVSZ W,++fr | 1 | - | - | Move fr+1 into W, skip if zero | INCFSZ fr,0 |
INCSZ fr | 1 | - | - | Increment fr, skip if zero | INCFSZ fr,1 |
IJNZ fr,addr | 2 * | - | - | Increment fr, jump if not zero | INCFSZ fr,1; GOTO addr |
MOVSZ W,--fr | 1 | - | - | Move fr-1 into W, skip if zero | DECFSZ fr,0 |
DECSZ fr | 1 | - | - | Decrement fr, skip if zero | DECFSZ fr,1 |
DJNZ fr,addr | 2 * | - | - | Decrement fr, jump if not zero | DECFSZ fr,1; GOTO addr |
******compare-conditional branches
Instruction | Words | Flags | W used | Description | Microchip PIC16C5x Equiv | |
CSE | fr,#lit | 3 | C,DC,Z | W | Compare, skip if equal | MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,0; BTFSS 3,2 |
CSE | fr1,fr2 | 3 | C,DC,Z | W | Compare, skip if equal | MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,0; BTFSS 3,2 |
CSNE | fr,#lit | 3 | C,DC,Z | W | Compare, skip if not equal | MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,0; BTFSC 3,2 |
CSNE | fr1,fr2 | 3 | C,DC,Z | W | Compare, skip if not equal | MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,0; BTFSC 3,2 |
CSA | fr,#lit | 3 | C,DC,Z | W | Compare, skip if above | MOVLW /lit; ADDWF fr,0; BTFSS 3,0 |
CSA | fr1,fr2 | 3 | C,DC,Z | W | Compare, skip if above | MOVF fr1,0; SUBWF fr2,0; BTFSC 3,0 |
CSAE | fr,#lit | 3 | C,DC,Z | W | Compare, skip if above or equal | MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,0; BTFSS 3,0 |
CSAE | fr1,fr2 | 3 | C,DC,Z | W | Compare, skip if above or equal | MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,0; BTFSS 3,0 |
CSB | fr,#lit | 3 | C,DC,Z | W | Compare, skip if below | MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,0; BTFSC 3,0 |
CSB | fr1,fr2 | 3 | C,DC,Z | W | Compare, skip if below | MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,0; BTFSC 3,0 |
CSBE | fr,#lit | 3 | C,DC,Z | W | Compare, skip if below or equal | MOVLW /lit; ADDWF fr,0; BTFSC 3,0 |
CSBE | fr1,fr2 | 3 | C,DC,Z | W | Compare, skip if below or equal | MOVF fr1,0; SUBWF fr2,0; BTFSS 3,0 |
CJE | fr,#lit, addr | 4 * | C,DC,Z | W | Compare, jump if equal | MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,0; BTFSC 3,2; GOTO addr |
CJE | fr1,fr2, addr | 4 * | C,DC,Z | W | Compare, jump if equal | MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,0; BTFSC 3,2; GOTO addr |
CJNE | fr,#lit, addr | 4 * | C,DC,Z | W | Compare, jump if not equal | MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,0; BTFSS 3,2; GOTO addr |
CJNE | fr1,fr2, addr | 4 * | C,DC,Z | W | Compare, jump if not equal | MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,0; BTFSS 3,2; GOTO addr |
CJA | fr,#lit, addr | 4 * | C,DC,Z | W | Compare, jump if above | MOVLW /lit; ADDWF fr,0; BTFSC 3,0; GOTO addr |
CJA | fr1,fr2, addr | 4 * | C,DC,Z | W | Compare, jump if above | MOVF fr1,0; SUBWF fr2,0; BTFSS 3,0; GOTO addr |
CJAE | fr,#lit, addr | 4 * | C,DC,Z | W | Compare, jump if above or equal | MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,0; BTFSC 3,0; GOTO addr |
CJAE | fr1,fr2, addr | 4 * | C,DC,Z | W | Compare, jump if above or equal | MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,0; BTFSC 3,0; GOTO addr |
CJB | fr,#lit, addr | 4 * | C,DC,Z | W | Compare, jump if below | MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,0; BTFSS 3,0; GOTO addr |
CJB | fr1,fr2, addr | 4 * | C,DC,Z | W | Compare, jump if below | MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,0; BTFSS 3,0; GOTO addr |
CJBE | fr,#lit, addr | 4 * | C,DC,Z | W | Compare, jump if below or equal | MOVLW /lit; ADDWF fr,0; BTFSS 3,0; GOTO addr |
CJBE | fr1,fr2, addr | 4 * | C,DC,Z | W | Compare, jump if below or equal | MOVF fr1,0; SUBWF fr2,0; BTFSC 3,0; GOTO addr |
Instruction | Words | Flags | W used | Description | Microchip PIC16C5x Equiv | ||
SB | bit | 1 | - | - | Skip if bit | BTFSS bit | |
SC | 1 | - | - | Skip if carry | BTFSS 3,0 | ||
SZ | 1 | - | - | Skip if zero | BTFSS 3,2 | ||
SNB | bit | 1 | - | - | Skip if not bit | BTFSC bit | |
SNC | 1 | - | - | Skip if not carry | BTFSC 3,0 | ||
SNZ | 1 | - | - | Skip if not zero | BTFSC 3,2 | ||
JB | bit,addr | 2 * | - | - | Jump to address if bit | BTFSC bit; GOTO addr | |
JC | addr | 2 * | - | - | Jump to address if carry r | BTFSC 3,0; GOTO add | |
JZ | addr | 2 * | - | - | Jump to address if zero | BTFSC 3,2; GOTO addr | |
JNB | bit,addr | 2 * | - | - | Jump to address if not bit | BTFSS bit; GOTO addr | |
JNC | addr | 2 * | - | - | Jump to address if not carry | BTFSS 3,0; GOTO addr | |
JNZ | addr | 2 * | - | - | Jump to address if not zero | BTFSS 3,2; GOTO addr |
Instruction | Words | Flags | W used | Description | Microchip PIC16C5x Equiv | ||
SKIP | 1 | - | - | Skip next instruction word | BTFSC/BTFSS 2,0 | ||
JMP | addr | 1 * | - | - | Jump to address | GOTO addr | |
JMP | PC+W | 1 | C,DC,Z | - | Add W into PC | ADDWF 2,1 | |
JMP | W | 1 | - | - | Move W into PC | MOVWF 2 | |
CALL | addr | 1 * | - | - | Call to address | CALL addr | |
RETW | lit,lit... | 1 | - | - | Return from call, literal in W | RETLW lit | |
RET | 1 | - | - | Return from call | <none> | ||
RETP | 1 | - | - | Return from call, load PA2:PA0 | <none> | ||
RETI | 1 | - | - | Return from interrupt | <none> | ||
RETIW | 1 | - | - | Return from interrupt, fix RTCC | <none> |
Note: Skips should be followed only by
single-word instructions, except in the case of PAGE's
* Increase by 1 word if @addr used to insert
PAGE instruction.
to top of
****i/o and control operations
Instruction | Words | Flags | W used | Description | Microchip PIC16C5x Equiv | ||
PAGE | addr | 1 | - | - | Load PA0:PA2, skip continues | <none> | |
BANK | fr | 1 | - | - | Load FSR.5:FSR.7 | <none> | |
MODE | lit | 1 | - | - | Load M (same as MOV M,#lit) | <none> | |
MOV | M,#lit | 1 | - | - | Move literal into M | <none> | |
MOV | M,W | 1 | - | - | Move W into M | <none> | |
MOV | M,fr | 2 | Z | W | Move fr into M | <none> | |
MOV | W,M | 1 | - | - | Move M into W | <none> | |
MOV | fr,M | 2 | - | W | Move M into fr | <none> | |
MOV | !port,W | 1 | - | - | Move W into port's TRIS | TRIS port (port=5 to 7) | |
MOV | !port,#lit | 2 | - | W | Move literal into port's TRIS | MOVLW lit; TRIS port (port=5 to 7) | |
MOV | !port,fr | 2 | Z | W | Move fr into port's TRIS | MOVF fr,0; TRIS port (port=5 to 7) | |
MOV | !OPTION,W | 1 | - | - | Move W into OPTION | OPTION | |
MOV | !OPTION,#lit | 2 | - | W | Move literal into OPTION | MOVLW lit; OPTION | |
MOV | !OPTION,fr | 2 | Z | W | Move fr into OPTION | MOVF fr,0; OPTION | |
CLR | !WDT | 1 | TO,PD | - | Clear WDT and prescaler | CLRWDT | |
SLEEP | 1 | TO,PD | - | Clear WDT and enter sleep mode | SLEEP | ||
IREAD | 1 | - | - | Read MODE:W into MODE:W | <none> | ||
NOP | 1 | - | - | No operation | NOP |
******** DEVICE Directive Symbols
- used to establish device
- multiple
DEVICE statements allowed to accommodate parameters
SX18L SX18L native mode (default:
native mode
TURBO = Turbo mode enabled (1:1
execution) (default: 1:4 execution)
STACKX_OPTIONX = Stack is 8 levels, OPTION is 8
bits (default: Stack is 2 levels, OPTION is 6 bits)
CARRYX = ADD/SUB uses Carry flag (default:
ADD/SUB ignores Carry flag)
SYNC = Input Syncing enabled - 2-clock delay on inputs (default: Input
Syncing disabled)
WATCHDOG = Watchdog Timer enabled (default: Watchdog Timer
Code Protect enabled (default: Code Protect disabled)
to top of
******** Dynamic
Equates (always reflect
current values)
% =
Current REPT index (=0 if outside of a REPT block)
$ = Current origin
IND | = | $00 | Indirect addressing register | |
RTCC | = | $01 | RTCC register | |
WREG | = | $01 | W register | |
PC | = | $02 | Program counter low-byte register | |
STATUS | = | $03 | Status register | |
C | = | STATUS.0 | Carry bit | |
DC | = | STATUS.1 | Digit carry bit | |
Z | = | STATUS.2 | Zero bit | |
PD | = | STATUS.3 | Power-down bit | |
TO | = | STATUS.4 | Time-out bit | |
PA0 | = | STATUS.5 | Page preselect bit 0 | |
PA1 | = | STATUS.6 | Page preselect bit 1 | |
PA2 | = | STATUS.7 | Page preselect bit 2 | |
FSR | = | $04 | File select register | |
RA | = | $05 | RA i/o register | |
RB | = | $06 | RB i/o register | |
RC | = | $07 | RC i/o register |
Hex Format:Low-byte/high-byte (8-bit) format used - byte counts and addresses are doubled.
$0000-$0FFF | = | CODE words |
$1000-$100F | = | ID words (nibble-per-word used to make 8 characters) |
$1010 | = | FUSE word |
$1011 | = | FUSEX word |
CONTENTS: to top of page
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