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SX Specific TCP/IP I/O

For the IP2k processors, Ubicom has ip modules for Ethernet, Bluetooth, TCP/IP stack and JVM. See for more information...

For the SX48/52 processors, Virtual Peripherals are available:

Software support includes the TCP/IP Stack and Application Layer Software: Protocols integrated into the SX controller include:

  1. IP (Internet Protocol) and ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
  2. TCP (Transport Control Protocol, supporting two concurrent sockets)
  3. UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
  4. ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
  5. DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol)
  6. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
  7. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
Memory Usage CODE RAM
SX Stack
- UDP/IP/PPP 1700 61
- HTTP/TCP/IP/PPP 3200 100
- SMTP/TCP/IP/PPP 3000 90
- POP3/TCP/IP/PPP 2800 127
Physical Layer - Ethernet
- Ethernet IO ~512 16
Physical Layer - Modem
- DTMF Detection 295 52
- DTMF Generation 89 15
- FSK Detection 42 6
- FSK Generation 47 8
- Caller ID 369 70
- Ring Detect 19 3
- UART 51 10

This software is available here:

Java code that interacts with the UDPsx code in the processor is available here:

Application Notes: (Also: Related RFCs)

All the information about the Ethernet Demo board including the schematic is here:


See also:

Convert DYNDNS to HTTP request Dynamic DNS. +


file: /Techref/scenix/lib/io/osi3/tcpip/index.htm, 8KB, , updated: 2012/1/31 13:16, local time: 2024/9/17 14:30,

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