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Massmind Newsletter 04/04

In this edition, we are going to look at a cool math trick for generating sinewaves. The code is for the SX processor but can be converted to PIC or other common embedded processors without much trouble.

Before your eyes glaze over on the math part, know that there are some good things to learn here. One is how complex math functions can get compressed into a few cycles of embeded controller code by looking at how the function output changes for very small changes in the input. When you can start with a correct value and concentrate on looking for a small adjustment, you can often "throw away" large parts of the function. The article inside this edition is a perfect example of that.

Secondly, there is some good code that shows how doing an addition or subtraction can involve just toggleing ONE BIT.

Read on!

Sine Waves

First let me show you some very nice table based code for generating sine waves from Peter Van der Zee.  This was an example for the Prototyping Board for the SX28 that Peter entered in the Parallax Design Contest

Sine2		;calculate lookup time for generator 2, and if so, get sine value
		decsz	Period2			;step frequency 2 period duration
		retp				;not time for next sine lookup; return to scheduler
		mov	Period2,Period2Load	;reload period 2 timer
		inc	F2index			;step to next sine value in lookup table
		mov	w,F2index		;
		call	SineLookup		;get sine value for this index
		mov	Dac2Value,w		;setup new dac 2 value for the ISR
		retp				;done freq2; return to scheduler

SineLookup	;lookup the sine value of index in w
		and	w,#%0000_1111		;only use 16 steps in lookup table
		add	pc,w			;calculate offset into lookup table
Sin0		retw	128			;$80 
Sin1		retw	177			;$b1
Sin2		retw	218			;$da
Sin3		retw	245			;$f5
Sin4		retw	255			;$ff
Sin5		retw	245			;$f5
Sin6		retw	218			;$da
Sin7		retw	177			;$b1
Sin8		retw	128			;$80
Sin9		retw	79			;$4f
SinA		retw	38			;$26
SinB		retw	11			;$b
SinC		retw	1			;$1
SinD		retw	11			;$b
SinE		retw	38			;$26
SinF		retw	79			;$4f

It works fine for most applications, but as you can see, the result is a stepped approximation of a sine that does not increase in detail as the step size (the number of degrees per new output value) decreases. If you are putting out a new value every time through the loop, incrementing the table pointer, then the result is no worse than any other method. But if you are using the same value several time in a loop, the result is a jerky approximation of a sine.

This table based method is great for generating sinewaves that do not change in frequency and will be heavily filtered such as AC inverters, 3 phase power generation or that are fairly high frequency like Modem tones. But when you need to vary the frequency of the output, or get a smoother waveform you need something more.

You could just include a larger table, with an entry for every value you need in the slowest sine you will generate and then skip entries in the table to generate higher frequencies. Other methods include the use of "interpolation" where the values between the actual entries in a smaller table are approximated in a linear fasion. But... there is a better way which I found while thumbing through my collection of old Byte Magazines.

The Article

Robert Grappel
148 Wood St
Lexington MA 02173

The instruction set of a typical 8 bit processor can be quite confining at times. Any task requiring more than simple integer addition and subtraction can become a nuisance. There are reference books from which multiplication and division routines can be obtained, and square root and. other functions can be built by using expansion, iteration, or other well-known methods. Implementing these algorithms on a microprocessor uses much space and programming time. Trigonometric functions are among this class of

Difficult functions. However, if one can tolerate accuracy of one part in 100, and allow about 1 ms per computation, the routine described in this article will provide sine and cosine values in a very simple 40 byte routine. I have coded it for a Motorola M6800 processor but it could easily be converted to any other processor.


The algorithm is based on two trigonometric identities:

sine(Ø+s) = sin(Ø)cos(s) + cos(Ø)sin(s)
cos(Ø+s) = cos(Ø)cos(s) - sin(Ø)sin(s)

where Ø is the angle we are interested in and s is a small step in angle added to Ø. If we make the step small enough, we can approximate sin(s) and cos(s) as follows:

sin(s) = s
cos(s) = 1

Combining these four equations we get:

sin(Ø+s) = sin(Ø) + s cos(Ø)
cos(Ø+s) = cos(Ø) - s sin(Ø)

Solving for sine and substituting into the cosine formula:

cos(Ø+s) = (1+s^2)cos(Ø) - s sin(Ø+s)

Since s is very small, we can neglect s^2 and write:

cos(Ø+s) = cos(Ø) - s sin(Ø+s)

Given that we have values for sin(Ø) and cos(Ø) at some point, we can get to any other angle by stepping through the two approximations, first computing sin(Ø+s) and then using that to compute cos(Ø+s). We choose to start at Ø equal to zero, and set cos(Ø) to the largest positive value that can be stored as a signed byte without causing overflow when negated and decremented.

Hence cos(Ø) = 126. Similarly the sin(Ø) = 0.

The step size is chosen to be 0.0625 radian or about 3.58'. The step size must be a binary fraction so that all the multiplication involved in the equations can be performed by arithmetic shifts. If more accuracy is needed, the step size is easily reduced by introducing more shifts into the algorithm.


The assembly code program for the Motorola 6800 version of the routine is shown in listing 1. When called with the angle stored in variable THETA, it returns the sine and cosine of that angle. The accuracy is quite good for angles less than pi()/2 radians (90 degrees). For angles larger than pi()/2 radians, other trigonometric identities can be used:

sin(Ø) = cos(pi()/2-Ø) = sin(pi()-Ø)
cos(Ø) = sin(pi()/2-Ø) = (-cos(pi()-Ø))

Thus, the sine and cosine of any angle can be computed from the values over the range 0 to pi()/2 radians. These identities can be coded quite easily.

All the other trigonometric functions can be computed from the values of sine and cosine. All that is needed is an integer division routine such as the following:

cosec(Ø) = 126/sin(Ø)
sec(Ø) = 126/cos(Ø)
tan(Ø) = sin(Ø)/cos(Ø)
cot(Ø) = cos(Ø)/sin(Ø)

Be careful of overflows and division by zero problems.

This algorithm can perform other tricks. It can generate continuous sine waves of any desired amplitude, period, or phase. Coupled with a digital to analog converter, it could form part of a modem or synthesizer. It could simulate mixers, AM or FM modulators, meyers, etc.

The maximum frequency it can generate depends on the processor cycle time. A 6800 processor running with a 1 MHZ clock could generate a 200 Hz sine wave since there are about 50 machine cycles per step, and about 100 steps per wave. Increasing the step size to 0.125 radians would increase the maximum frequency to about 500 Hz. A step size of 0.25 radians would yield a maximum frequency of nearly 1050 Hz.

I hope that this algorithm will help programmers solve problems involving trigonometric functions, and that applications for microcomputers will expand into new areas where these functions are usefull.

Location    Code    Operand     Label       assembly Code
                                * SUBROUTINE TO COMPUTE SINE AND COSINE
                                * AS SINGLE-BYTE INTEGERS (SIGNED)
                                * STEP SIZE OF 1/16 RADIAN OR 3.58 DEGREES
                                * ACCURACY OF ABOUT 1% FOR RANGE 0
                                * THROUGH 90 DEGREES
0000                            THETA   RMB 1 *ARGUMENT TO FUNCTION
0001                            SINE    RMB 1 *SINE OF THETA
0002                            COSINE  RMB 1 *COSINE OF THETA
0003        86      7E          START   LDA A #126 *began initialization
0005        B7      0002                STA A COSINE
0008        7F      0001                CLR SINE
OOOB        B6      0000                LDA A THETA
OOOE        F6      0002                LDA B COSINE *COMPUTE NEW SINE
0011        57                  CYCLE   ASR B
0012        57                          ASR B
0013        57                          ASR B
0014        57                          ASR B
0015        FB      0001                ADD B SINE
0018        F7      0001                STA B SINE
OO1B        57                          ASR B *COMPUTE NEW COSINE
001C        57                          ASR B
001D        57                          ASR B
001E        57                          ASR B
001F        F0      0002                SUB B COSINE
0022        50                          NEG B
0023        F7      0002                STA B COSINE
0026        4A                          DEC A
0027        2C      E8                  BGE CYCLE *LOOP UNTIL DONE
0029        39                          RTS

Listing 1: 6800 routine for computing sines and cosines over the range 0 to
pi/2 radians (0 to 90 degrees).

170 April 1979 BYTE Publications Inc


Useing a spreadsheet to collect the results of the algorithm and compare it to the "real" value (as defined by MS Excel) shows that it does pretty well. Email me if you want the spreadsheet.









0 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 0 0% 126.0000 126


1 0.0625 3.58 7.8699 7 -1% 125.7540 126



2 0.1250 7.16 15.7090 14 -1% 125.0169 126


3 0.1875 10.74 23.4868 21 -2% 123.7916 125
4 0.2500 14.32 31.1729 28 -3% 122.0830 124
5 0.3125 17.90 38.7373 35 -3% 119.8976 122
6 0.3750 21.49 46.1503 42 -3% 117.2440 120
7 0.4375 25.07 53.3832 49 -3% 114.1325 117
8 0.5000 28.65 60.4076 56 -3% 110.5754 114
9 0.5625 32.23 67.1961 63 -3% 106.5865 111
10 0.6250 35.81 73.7223 69 -4% 102.1814 107
11 0.6875 39.39 79.9605 75 -4% 97.3772 103
12 0.7500 42.97 85.8865 81 -4% 92.1928 98
13 0.8125 46.55 91.4771 87 -4% 86.6484 93
14 0.8750 50.13 96.7105 92 -4% 80.7656 88
15 0.9375 53.71 101.5662 97 -4% 74.5674 82
16 1.0000 57.30 106.0253 102 -3% 68.0781 76
17 1.0625 60.88 110.0704 106 -3% 61.3229 70
18 1.1250 64.46 113.6857 110 -3% 54.3282 64
19 1.1875 68.04 116.8571 114 -2% 47.1214 57
20 1.2500 71.62 119.5721 117 -2% 39.7306 50
21 1.3125 75.20 121.8201 120 -1% 32.1847 43
22 1.3750 78.78 123.5925 122 -1% 24.5130 36
23 1.4375 82.36 124.8823 124 -1% 16.7456 29
24 1.5000 85.94 125.6844 125 -1% 8.9129 22
25 1.5625 89.52 125.9957 126 0% 1.0453 15
26 1.6250 93.11   125.8149 126 0% -6.8263 8

And the really nice thing is that unlike the original 6800 code, dividing by 16 for us takes only 2 instructions: swap nibbles and mask off the top one.

Code Generator output to Divide by 16:

; ACC = ACC * 0.0625
; Temp = TEMP
; ACC size = 8 bits
; Error = 0.5 %
; Bytes order = little endian
; Round = no

; Clear accumulator
; Add input / 16 to accumulator
; Move accumulator to result
; Approximated constant: 0.0625, Error: 0 %

;     Input: ACC0, 8 bits
;    Output: ACC0, 4 bits
; Code size: 3 instructions

;shift accumulator right 4 times
	mov	w, <>ACC0
	and	w, #$0F
	mov	ACC0, w

; Generated by (1-May-2002 version)
; Tue Apr 12 23:10:53 2005 GMT

So as a result, we can write a really short program than generates a first 26 steps of a 104 step sine without a table:

	org $10
sine	ds	1
cosine	ds	1
RESET start
	clr 	sine		;set sin to 0. This is actually -127
; because we are working with signed values.
	mov	w, #126		;set cos to half way between 0 and 255.
	mov	cosine, w	; this is actually +0.

	mov	w, <>cosine
	and	w, #$0F
	add 	sine, w		;sine += cosine \ 16
	mov	w, <>sine
	and	w, #$0F
	sub 	cosine, w	;cosine -= sine \ 16
	jmp	cycle

To generate a complete sine, reset sine and cosine every 16 steps or when cosine reaches 0.  For the first 16 steps return sine+128 (i.e. with the high bit set), for the next 16 return cosine+128, then return 128-sine, and finish with 128-cosine.

	org $10
sine	ds	1
cosine	ds	1
quadrant	ds	1

RESET start
	mov quadrant, #-1
	inc quadrant
	clr sine				;set sin to 0. This is actually -127
; because we are working with signed values.
	mov	w, #126			;set cos to half way between 0 and 255.
	mov	cosine, w		; this is actually +0.

	mov	w, <>cosine
	and	w, #$0F
	add sine, w
	mov	w, <>sine
	and	w, #$0F
	sub cosine, w

	 jmp quadcycle

	mov	w, sine		;load the sine
	snb	quadrant.0	;if we are in the first or third quadrant
	 mov	w, cosine	; and the cosine for the 2nd or 4th.

	snb	quadrant.1	;for the second half cycle
	 not w			; the value will be subtracted from 128
	xor w, #128		;see notes below:
	jmp cycle

So, in 14 instructions, we encoded a 104 step table. Not bad! Now, it is a little slower than a table lookup: Once through the loop is about 15 cycles on the average compaired to 5 or 6 for the average table lookup.

Notice how adding 128 is just setting bit 7 if the original value is less than 128 to start with. If the value is already negative (bit 7 is set and we are considering the value to be a signed byte i.e. between +127 and -128) then adding 128 will result in an overflow which will have the effect of clearing bit 7. So 128 + x or 128 - x can be managed by inverting X if it is to be subtracted and then toggleing bit 7.


It turns out that  a divisor of 15 is a little bit better than 16 as you can see here:









0 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 0 0% 126.0000 126


1 0.0625 3.58 7.8699 8 0% 125.7540 126



2 0.1250 7.16 15.7090 16 0% 125.0169 125


3 0.1875 10.74 23.4868 24 0% 123.7916 124
4 0.2500 14.32 31.1729 32 1% 122.0830 122
5 0.3125 17.90 38.7373 40 1% 119.8976 120
6 0.3750 21.49 46.1503 48 1% 117.2440 117
7 0.4375 25.07 53.3832 55 1% 114.1325 114
8 0.5000 28.65 60.4076 62 1% 110.5754 110
9 0.5625 32.23 67.1961 69 1% 106.5865 106
10 0.6250 35.81 73.7223 76 2% 102.1814 101
11 0.6875 39.39 79.9605 82 2% 97.3772 96
12 0.7500 42.97 85.8865 88 2% 92.1928 91
13 0.8125 46.55 91.4771 94 2% 86.6484 85
14 0.8750 50.13 96.7105 99 2% 80.7656 79
15 0.9375 53.71 101.5662 104 2% 74.5674 73
16 1.0000 57.30 106.0253 108 2% 68.0781 66
17 1.0625 60.88 110.0704 112 2% 61.3229 59
18 1.1250 64.46 113.6857 115 1% 54.3282 52
19 1.1875 68.04 116.8571 118 1% 47.1214 45
20 1.2500 71.62 119.5721 121 1% 39.7306 37
21 1.3125 75.20 121.8201 123 1% 32.1847 29
22 1.3750 78.78 123.5925 124 0% 24.5130 21
23 1.4375 82.36 124.8823 125 0% 16.7456 13
24 1.5000 85.94 125.6844 125 -1% 8.9129 5
25 1.5625 89.52 125.9957 125 -1% 1.0453 -3
26 1.6250 93.11  125.8149 124 -1% -6.8263 -11

Although dividing by 15 does require, 12 instructions vice 2.

If you really want to get crazy, you can do a 62 step quandrant of a 248 step sine using a divisor of 38. The maximum error is 4% and it takes 18 instructions for the divide by 38.

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