please dont rip this site

(# before a part number indicates a new listing as of 04/12/95)

Atmel              AT25C01      1K bit EEPROM
                   AT25C02      2K  "    "
                   AT25C04      4K  "    "
                   AT45D081     8M     FLASH
Catalyst           CAT33C704    3-volt CAT35C704
                   CAT35C704    4K  "  EEPROM with security
                   CAT64LC10    1K  "    "
                   CAT64LC20    2K  "    "
                   CAT64LC40    4K  "    "
Intersil           CDP68HC68R1  1K  "   SRAM
                   CDP68HC68R2  2K  "    "
Motorola           MCM2814      2K  "  EEPROM
National           NM25C04      4K  "    "
Ramtron            FM2504(0/1)  4K  "   FRAM
                   FM2516(0/1) 16K  "    "
Xicor              X25020       2K  "  EEPROM
                   X25C02       2K  "    "
                   X25040       4K  "    "
                   X25043       4K  "    "    with reset supervisor
                   X25080       8K  "    "
                   X25160      16K  "    "
                   X25320      32K  "    "
                   X25640      64K  "    "
                   X25128     128K  "    "
                   X25401     256K  "  NOVRAM

SRAMs@ (some serial)

Dallis Semiconductor (1 wire, not SPI)

Bus contention

See also:

file: /Techref/mem/spi.htm, 1KB, , updated: 2004/6/9 09:43, local time: 2024/9/17 12:06,

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