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PIC Microcontroler LCD Display IO routines

From the CHEAPIC tutorial:

NEW! LCD Front Panel Set: 2x16 LCD w/HD44780 controller, 4 push buttons, 3 LEDs and a 2x12 pin header. +


Characterset data and The character set extractor by Nikolai Golovchenko

Bitmap to table converter Opens FNT (Windows Bitmap Font) or BMP (Windows Bitmap Picture) files and writes out a C language data table.

Rolf's String Format code generator for making effecient C string tables. Perfect for LCD displays.

/Techref/member/roger_froud-virgin-/index.htm Here's a handy little program for a 18F2480 that allows you to embed a string in your program which is accessed by the preceding call. In this case, it's used to write strings to an LCD display but the principle is useful elsewhere.


See also:

Microchip's AN587




Mark Torrens of Chocolate Labrador Ltd Says:

As a keen programmer and PICMicro enthusiast I have developed both and LCD interface module and and LCD programmer to help others learn how to use an LCD. Software is freely available to download from my site plus a pdf document explaining in detail how the software works.

Mark Torrens of Chocolate Labrador Ltd replies: Free Software LPM01_Guide.pdf 4 Bit Program 8 Bit Program+




Anders W Gustafsson Says: " PIC16 Code to drive a HD44780 display over SPI, using a HC595 " +

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