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 * DDS MICRO-C IBM/PC Communications parameters
 * Copyright 1990-2000 Dave Dunfield
 * All rights reserved.

 * Comm port driver control flags (Cflags)
#define RFLOW       0x80    /* Flow control received */
#define TFLOW       0x40    /* Flow control transmitted */
#define TXOFF       0x20    /* Transmit XOFF pending */
#define TXON        0x10    /* Transmit XON  pending */
#define TRANSPARENT 0x08    /* Transparent mode enable */

 * Common Baudrate divisors
#define _110        1047    /*   110 baud */
#define _300        384     /*   300 baud */
#define _1200       96      /*  1200 baud */
#define _2400       48      /*  2400 baud */
#define _4800       24      /*  4800 baud */
#define _9600       12      /*  9600 baud */
#define _19200      6       /* 19.2K baud */
#define _38400      3       /* 38.4K baud */

 * Mode bits: OR together one from each section
/* Section 1 - Break control */
#define SEND_BREAK  0x40    /* Send break */
/* Section 2 - Parity */
#define PAR_NO      0x00    /* No parity */
#define PAR_ODD     0x08    /* Odd parity */
#define PAR_EVEN    0x18    /* Even parity */
#define PAR_MARK    0x28    /* Mark parity */
#define PAR_SPACE   0x38    /* Space parity */
/* Section 3 - Stop bits */
#define STOP_1      0x00    /* 1 stop bit */
#define STOP_2      0x04    /* 2 stop bits (1.5 if 5 bits) */
/* Section 4 - Data bits */
#define DATA_5      0x00    /* 5 bits */
#define DATA_6      0x01    /* 6 bits */
#define DATA_7      0x02    /* 7 bits */
#define DATA_8      0x03    /* 8 bits */

 * Bits in modem control register
#define LOOPBACK    0x10    /* Set loopback mode */
#define OUTPUT_2    0x08    /* General purpose output #2 */
#define OUTPUT_1    0x04    /* General purpose output #1 */
#define SET_RTS     0x02    /* Assert RTS output */
#define SET_DTR     0x01    /* Assert DTR output */

 * Bits returned by Csignals()
#define CD          0x80    /* Carrier detect */
#define RI          0x40    /* Ring indicator */
#define DSR         0x20    /* Data set ready */
#define CTS         0x10    /* Clear to send  */
#define END_RING    0x04    /* Ring has just ended */
#define DELTA_CD    0x08    /* CD  has changed since last read */
#define DELTA_DSR   0x02    /* DSR has changed since last read */
#define DELTA_CTS   0x01    /* CTS has changed since last read */

extern char Cflags;         /* Driver control flags */

file: /Techref/com/dunfield/ftp/embedpc/comm_h.htm, 5KB, , updated: 2002/3/3 23:45, local time: 2024/9/17 15:37,

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