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From: Chad Lewis <>
Reply-To: "" <>
To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: One more try on SmartPatch
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 13:10:49 -0500
Organization: Wise Solutions

Thanks for your response. I apologize for the vague response to your 
previous note.

> - is the result a single executable that could be distributed on disk, via
> email attachment, ftp or www download or is the result a set of programs
> that would have to be zipped up and distributed in a self extracting exe
> that is run to create a temp image that is then run to apply the patch?

The answer is yes. This is exactly how the Smartpatch feature operates.

> - how does the SmartPatch find the .exe to be updated?

Smartpatch performs a auto detect function to locate the exe.

> Does the user have to point it to the installation of the original program?

No. Wise will perform this function in regards to where it is on the users 
machine. Wise will prompt the user accordingly depending if it is in the 
registry or .ini file.

I will be happy to be your point of contact here at Wise. How did you hear 
about Wise? How many licenses are you considering? What are your applica  
tions of Wise? What is the business name and mission there? What are your 
responsibilities? Any feedback you could give would be greatly appreciated 
and assist us in serving you better. Please feel free to contact me if I 
can provide any additional assistance. We look forward to doing business 
with you.

Best Regards,

Chad Lewis
Inside Sales Rep
Wise Solutions, Inc.
5880 N. Canton Center Rd.
Suite 450
Canton, MI 48187

-----Original Message-----
From:	James Newton []
Sent:	Wednesday, October 28, 1998 6:16 PM
Subject:	One more try on SmartPatch

Chad, thanks for your response to my questions. Unfortunately, the
important first few questions about SmartPatch were not answered in your
reply. Please, again:

> - is the result a single executable that could be distributed on disk, via
> email attachment, ftp or www download or is the result a set of programs
> that would have to be zipped up and distributed in a self extracting exe
> that is run to create a temp image that is then run to apply the patch?


> - how does the SmartPatch find the .exe to be updated?

and most importantly:

> Does the user have
> to point it to the installation of the original program?

We often find that users download our updates and then extract them to the
wrong directory. We need to know if SmartPatch is smart enough to find the
.exe it is made to patch.

James Newton, Applications Engineer,  mips DATALINE America, Inc. 1-619-679-4070x572 phone 1-619-679-4073 fax

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